Contacts’ Privacy

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Can I hide the list of employees from visitors? How do I maintain my contacts’ privacy?

As an organization, it is your responsibility to safeguard your contacts’ privacy. Your company size is directly proportionate to visitor footfall. If you do not want to show the names of your employees to all visitors who checks-in, here is the right setting for you.
Follow these steps:

Employees Privacy

In Navigational Panel- Configuration> Check-in (Regular visitors)> Edit> Enable Employee Selection. Next, under ‘Additional Configuration’>Private Contacts (Enable) > Save Visitor Type.
Now what will happen is, when the visitor checks-in and fills in all the necessary information. In the next screen, only a search bar appears. The visitor will have to type at least 3 characters from the name of contact/host they have come to meet. This feature will not expose the name of all your employees to all the visitors.
As a result, this functionality protects contacts’ privacy.
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